Your 6 Month old Stats
~ Weigh about 13 ish pounds... we find out Tuesday at your well baby check
~ Size 3-6 months , 6 Month and a few 3 months clothes
~Size 2 diaper / smallest setting on your cloth diapers
~ Still fit into your newborn size shoes!! You have a TON of shoes you need to be growing into soon!
~Drink 4-6 oz of B.M every 3 hours
~Eating homemade baby food every other feeding during the day! You haven't tasted anything you don't love except peaches!
~ Sitting up like a big girl since July 6....
~ Starting to "Army" crawl
~When you are on your belly you turn around all the time
~Playing with your big girl toys so much more now that you can sit
~Love to watch T.V..... the you stare at the "Today Show" every morning when mommy watches it!
~ Starting to pay more attention to baby signs.... you have signed "eat" a few times!
~You love to be sang to
~Still love to be on the move
~LOVE the water... bath times or swimming... you are in heaven every time you get in the water
~We are working on letting you go to sleep on our own.... you DON"T like it. You want us to hold and walk you every time!
~You are slobbering like crazy..... hopefully you get a tooth soon.
~Most of the time you are the happiest baby
~You are the center of attention and know it! You get mad if you want attention and aren't getting it fast enough!
~You added GA to the states you have been in.
You are our pride and joy, Baby Girl. I pray that you grow and continue to be happy and healthy. You are our tiny blessing and couldn't love you more! We adore you!
I thought it would be nice to look back from the first 6 monthly pictures for comparison!
She is such a stinkin' doll! I love seeing all her month-by-month pics together. The bows are getting bigger and better every month too :) Happy 6 months Amelia!!
ReplyDeleteSix months old today - how can that be? It seems you were just born yesterday! These adorable pictures just melt my heart. You are such a sweet happy lovable grandbaby that I can't wait to hold again! I'm so glad that we will be seeing you & Mommy and Daddy in a couple of weeks. Love & kisses.
ReplyDeleteI love watching your daughter grow. She has the most beautiful smile. Congratulations. I really can't believe it has been six months. It seemed like your pregnancy went by really fast too!!