Friday, September 23, 2011


I have been a horrible blogger lately. My sister is very upset with me! I really need to be posting more because this is our  family scrapbook. So I promise I will try to post more often... K. I have been sewing every free minute I get which is why the blog has been neglected. But with my new fancy machine I can't help myself! I am addicted!
We really have not been up to anything! We have just been enjoying our little family. I am trying to soak every minute up with Amelia. She is growing WAY to fast. It makes me sad. Some days I look at her and she looks so big! I love the stage that she is in right now. She is a crawling fool and pulls herself up on everything. I think she would try to take off walking on her own but she hasn't been brave enough to let go. She giggles all the time which melts my heart, it brings tears to my eyes sometimes. It is so stinkin cute!
She has been "sharing" everything she hangs on too... It cracks us up. Her favorite is for us to take her paci and  pretend to suck on it, makes her squeal every time.  

It has been hard lately to get Amelia to be still long enough for me to take her picture too. Just a sneak peek of what is to come when she is actually walking/running from me! But, she sure can crawl fast!  I do have a few videos that I have been meaning to post. My phone is running out of space so I finally got them on "you tube" today.

We don't have anything planned for the weekend. I work every Saturday or I would say sleep in! Amelia has been getting up more than normal the last two nights. I have a feeling she will sleep all night tonight because it is Daddy's night!!!


  1. Thanks!!!! You've really made up for it with our Skype conversation and these videos! Can wait to kiss those little cheeks! Much love! xoxoxo

  2. I think i saw a little of her Dutch side come out in the "Chatty girl" video
