The only thing with starting this new little business up is finding a balance for everything. I am a YES person. It is hard for me to say no. I am to much of a people person and I get myself stressed out. I feel now that I a getting a pretty good balance going and this could really work. One day I will not be behind the stylist chair so is a fun little side business to have when that happens one day.
We have been doing lot of lunch date with just her and I... Kind loving it! It is so fun now that she is getting bigger! This was after Gymboree one day!
In other family news we made it through two big road trips for the holidays and Amelia's second birthday. It is nice not to have any bid plans right now. Even though I am dying for a real vacation. :) I go back and forth on if I want just Deric and I to go some where or a kiddo friendly one. Since Deric and I didn't take a honeymoon I am leaning for an adult vacation.
This is kinda a random post... Oh we'll.
After the new year we changed Amelia's crib over to her toddler bad. She LOVES it! She always wants to read up in her bed or take the iPad in there. Her room is pretty little and we never had a place to sit and read besides the floor so it is nice to sit on he bed and read. Plus, I don't have to hike my legs over the side of the crib in the middle of the night when she wakes up. ;) You try to say "no" to that sweet face who says "momma, lay wit me. Snuggle down". Melt my heart cuteness ! I wake up hurting from sleeping in the bed and know inhale complained about it. But, gosh .. One day I will wish she wants me to lay in bed with her till she falls back to sleep.
Our girl is crazy funny! I can't get over the scene of humor this 2 year old has. She comes up with the craziest things to say. I can't even image what she will be saying this coming year. Here are a few quotes that come to mind
" mommy, I better get out (of the bath) cause my toes are Bucky" - she meant wrinkly :)
She was running around the house naked after her bath and I told her she needed to get dressed because I said so and that is how it works! HA she said "this is how my bottom works" Please note she want being mean or disrespectful she was just trying to be funny.. It made us laugh so hard.
She ALWAYS says "just me three minutes" as she holds up her pointer finger! I have no clue where she picked that up.
When she wears a hat she most likely will say "giddy up cowboy! Ye-yaw!"
The other night we were having a tea party as she asked if we wanted honey in our tea! I reliazed just then how much she listens and remembers what I say. I don't drink yea often but I always put honey in it! :)
The sweetest thing she does always is say "bless you" if someone sneezes and says "please and thanks" every time. She may be sassy but she is polite!