After pictures Jen and I got a start on my gingerbread cookie village! I finished that up on Sunday when everyone was pack up and on their way home. I had a Cookie Exchange and Chic Design Party planned the next weekend. So hence the cookie village!
I had a great turn out for the "Sweets and Treats" party. I am sure this will be an annual party at my house! Great friends, cookies, and food..... what could be better than that? Here are a few pictures of the party!
The Christmas season came so quickly for me. I hadn't even started shopping until about 2 weeks before we left for Indiana! We both worked all the way up till the day before we left so it didn't give us time to get ready. I didn't have my suitcase out till the night before we headed home! LOL I just threw clothes in there and hoped for the best... but of course like every trip I packed to much and didn't wear half the things I packed (besides all the 6 pairs of shoes)!
Our drive home started at 6am and was going good until we where about 2 hours from home and we got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half due to a car accident. The weather got worse the further north we got so it wasn't a surprise that we ran into some delays. We went straight to the Bidwell's because it was 10pm before we got home. The next morning was Sunday and our niece and nephew had their Christmas program at Church. I was glad we were home to see the program. My MIL and SIL help with it every year also they all did such and great job. Nikohl was "Mary" and Nate was a "Wise Man".
Deric , Nikohl and I after church
Nate wearing Uncle Deric's hat
We spend most of the next week just hanging out with our families. It was nice not to feel rushed and pulled in every direction. We were busy every day but nothing crazy. It is so nice that our parents only live about 5 or less miles apart from each other! Makes our trips home so much more easy! Deric got to spend some time with Justin before he and his wife went to Canada for Christmas. I stayed home and bake with mom!
This isn't the greatest of pictures but hey.. it was the only one we got!
And I of course got to spend some good time with my best friend Aimee. I wish we could have seen each other everyday but that never seems to happen! I got to send a little time with Aimee's son Jaxson but it wasn't enough. I miss that little guy! I forgot my camera at home when I went to see Aimee so I have no pictures of us!
Christmas Eve we stayed at my parents and woke up Christmas Day with my mom's biscuits and gravy... yumo! Jen and Blake were at her in-laws so it was just the four of us. After breakfast Deric and I headed back over to the Bidwell's for Christmas. We had a great time with the whole family. We opened all the gifts and then Linda made a wonderful lunch. My MIL always spoils all of us kids for Christmas so it takes a while to open gifts!
Kohl opening one of the gifts we got her
Nate opening his carhartts from G-ma and G-pa
After lunch at the Bidwell's, we went back to my parents for dinner, gifts and games! Jen, Blake and Higgins (their kitty) were already there when we got there. Divot and Birdie are very interested in Mr. Higgins..... this year was MUCH better than last year... but this picture still sums up Divot and Higgins relationship!
(notice higgins hissing!)
We drew names at the Pelfrey house for the first time this Christmas. It was nice just having to get two gifts per couple. We are all adults no need to go out and get a bunch of gifts when it isn't needed. We just focused on being together as a family.
Mom really needed a new coffee pot... her's kinda broke last Christmas! It may be because she make pot after pot of coffee when we are all home. Poor thing couldn't take 4 whole pots of coffee in one day!
Jen in her super CUTE apron I got her!
Our last full day we had my half brother, his wife and their 4 kids down to have our last Christmas. Those kids got so big just from when they were all here for last spring break!
Lexie... with her big bow from her gift!
(can you see I am practicing for our little girl one day!Girls got to have a bow in her hair!)
After hanging out with them for a few hours we went to lunch with my in-laws and then back to my parents house for a bit. We packed up all of our stuff at their house and then went to the Bidwells for the night. I did my MIL, SIL and BIL hair and then played with Nate and Nikohl for a bit.
The pups were glad to see the kids one last time and I was glad they wore them out for our long drive home!
We had a wonderful Christmas and I want to THANK both sides of the family for making it wonderful! LOVE YOU ALL and Can't wait till we get to see ya'll again.
What a great way for us to end our 2009. I can not wait to see what 2010 brings us and all the blessing we may receive! I am hoping in 2010 we can see family more throughout the year.

Love it...especially the new design! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteThat fake smile of Ana Kate's is funny...that's all I get lately when I tell her to say cheese. Looks like you had a great time in the pictures! Also cute new design...I like it!