Friday, May 13, 2011

A Year Ago Today

Today marks the year anniversary of  finding out I was pregnant with little A!!! One of the happiest days of my life thus far. I LOVED seeing the read out "pregnant" on that stick! If you have followed my blog before Amelia... You know I may have called all pee sticks "broken"! :)
If you want to read about that day I posted it here!! I was just about 10 weeks out from a miscarriage and had NO idea that I was pregnant. When I was pregnant with the miscarriage I took about 6 tests. When I took the test with Amelia I just took one. Something ( I am sure it was God) told me one was enough. I also called and went to my doctors right away for blood work to confirm everything.
It seemed like I would never get the chance to be a mommy. And now I am a Mom to the sweetest little baby girl! I CAN NOT believe Amelia will be 4 months old on Tuesday! GOSH.... I want to freeze time.

Just for fun and because I may or may not miss my pregnant belly here are some pictures to look back on!

I wont lie... I miss Amelia's little kicks and punches while I was pregnant with her but I love having her in the world so much more! I LOVE being able to see her, hold and kiss on her! My favorite is when she gives us that huge grin of hers and giggles a bit!  Oh, and she has started to grab your face when you lean in for a kiss..... so sweet! :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope to look just like you when I'm, you looked great! :)
