please excuse the sleepy time look.... I had been napping on the couch before the picture
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Size of baby: 4 3\4lbs... size of an average cantaloupe
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 15 lbsMaternity Clothes: maternity pants but normal tops so far
Gender: GIRL!!!! Amelia Evelyn Jayne
Movement: Yes, she is a mover! Lately she has found my right ribs!
Sleep: getting up a lot more at night and finding it hard to stay asleep
Symptoms: back pain, a going to the restroom a lot more
What I miss: being comfortable...
Cravings: I have wanted pizza almost everyday this week!
What I miss: being comfortable...
Cravings: I have wanted pizza almost everyday this week!
Best Moment this week: Today was my baby shower with my AR "famiy". It was wonderful. I am so blessed to Thave such wonderful friends!
What I am looking forward to: We have a doctors appointment on Thursday. I can't wait to hear Amelia's heartbeat. We are getting so close to the end..... and I can't wait to meet our little girl!
One of the girls who hosted the shower hired a lady to take pictures. It was so nice not to have to think about taking pictures and talking to everyone. I am hoping she gets the pictures back to us soon so I can share them. The shower was just wonderful. I have a lot of friends and clients who came. It was so nice to see everyone. The theme of the shower was "Daisy's and Bows". The girls decorated the room so cute. We held the shower at Embassy Suite Hotel. It was so nice to have it outside a someone home and the hotel cleaned up after us!
I will post more about the shower when I get the pictures back!

enjoy your last few weeks together, just you, deric, and the pups. miss amelia will be here before you know it! eeeee! :)