Your One month old stats
~ You weigh a little over 8 pound according to our scale
~You are a breast milk baby... you LOVE to eat
~You took to your paci right away at the hospital and get MAD when you loose it
~You do take a bottle of breast milk at least once a day (mommy wanted you to learn to use a bottle)
~You wear newborn clothes but your arms and legs are a big long for them
~You are in newborn diapers but have sported your cloth diapers a few times while we are home
~You have just exploded one diaper so far (while on my lap) but you are a spit up girl. You alway spit up on daddy when he burps you! haha
~You take naps in your crib but at night you are in your pack-n-play in our room.
~You are a GREAT sleeper. You nap 3 times a day for about 2 hours. At night you fall asleep between 9- 9:30 and wake up between 2 am-3am. Then back to sleep till about 7am. Last night you slept from 9:30 to 4am!!! I think you will be sleeping through the night soon!
~You HATED your baths at first but in the last week you decided they weren't that bad. You now get mad when I take you out!
~ You rolled over from your belly to your back a few times
~You can smile and coo but haven't really smiled at anyone yet... although I think you smiled at me but I think that is wishful thinking! :)
~You have met your Grandpa Tim, Gigi and Aunt Jen when you were born and they LOVE you to pieces. Also your Grandma Linda came when you were 2 weeks old and she adores and loves you bunches too.
~ You have witnessed your first "blizzard" when you were 2-3 weeks old
~Have made trips to all our favorite stores and been to Mommy's Salon twice. We are going to Daddy's work tomorrow.
~You are by far the BEST thing that has happened to your Daddy and I. We can not kiss on you enough! I am sure you have already had a BILLION kisses from us.
I have my friend Cari to thank for the block idea! I thought it was so cute and had to do it for Amelia's monthly pictures! So yes.. Amelia will have her sticker/ tutu pictures and her block pictures every month!
I know I am her mommy.. but geezzz.... could she be any CUTER!! I think she is the sweetest thing on earth!

I love the faces she's making on the bottom pictures. So adorable!!
ReplyDeleteAre the month markers stickers? I guess I thought that they were actual shirts b/c I've seen them in other pictures. I love the idea to show how she grows.
Yes, they are stickers... I got them off of Esty. She does make the best faces! So funny!
ReplyDeleteLove the update!! She is a DOLL. You are more than welcome for the block idea but I must warn you that around the 4 to 5 month picture they start to realize those blocks are lots of fun to grab at. :) And I think I will steal the sticker idea for Baby #2!! Hope you guys are doing well.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you ever want to walk. I am off on Mondays, get home around 4:00 on Tuesday-Thursday and home around 11:00 on Fridays.
Gosh, our girl has changed SO MUCH in just a month! I hope she never gets rid of the Elvis-lip look. :) Her pictures turned out so cute! Happy Month Birthday pretty baby girl!!! Uncle Blake and I can't wait to meet/visit you in a couple of weeks! I need more cuddle time! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteAshley vang from neenah wisconsin is using your pictures on her facebook. Just so you are aware!