About 10 weeks after the miscarriage I still wasn't back to normal. I just kept having these thoughts to take a pregnancy test. I knew it was going to be negative because they always were "broken". Much to my surprise I took the test and in seconds it read positive. I called Deric right away only get to get voice mail, so I called my doctors office then my mom. I had to call someone. I still can't believe I told my mom first over my husband.... but that is what he gets for not answering his phone! :) I was off to the doctors that same day for blood work.The most shocking thing that happened with this pregnancy was that we started out with twins... scary!!! Thankfully this pregnancy was the real deal! It has been scary and emotional the whole way through but mostly I feel so blessed to have been given the chance to have a baby.
Our 2010 was such a wonderful year. Not only did we get our wish of starting a family but we got to see our families a lot more this year. We had friends who welcomed their babies into the world and we celebrated 4 years of marriage. We didn't take any big vacations this year like I wanted to but our year was a bit busy. We traveled back home a few times which was good enough!
We ended 2010 with the most uneventful Christmas yet...since we couldn't travel. But Deric's parents were here to help us ring in 2011. It was nice to have family around even though it wasn't on Christmas Day. We did our Christmas on Wednesday night after we got back home from dinner. The Bidwell's even brought down the gifts my parents had for us. I got some much needed yoga pants and tops, a bath robe with my name on it, the most adorable apron, and money. Deric got a couple sweaters, Colts sweatshirt, pjs, dress shirts, and cash.We celebrated New Years at home. It was nice not having to get out! Deric and his mom made dinner. We had steaks, homemade french fries, and broccoli salad. We watched a movie and then the ball drop. Since Indiana is an hour later than AR we toasted the new year at 11pm and 12am! But as soon as the clock hit midnight I was off to bed. I had work New Years Day for a few hours.
New Years Day after work I took all our Christmas decorations down and Deric got everything back up in the attic. I wanted everything to be put away before Amelia arrives. It is always nice to have the house back to normal. Our house seems bigger with all the the decor down! I cleaned and cleaned to get all the glitter out of the dining room!
I hope all of you had a wonderful and safe New Years. We of course are waiting for the best gift yet.... our baby girl. She will make our 2011 the best year ever! I can't believe at the end of 2011 we will have an almost 1 year old! CRAZY!!!
Ok... this is a long post sorry! Here is my weekly pregnancy post!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Size of baby: about 6 lbs
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 18lbs Maternity Clothes: maternity pants but normal tops so far which is crazy
Gender: GIRL!!!! Amelia Evelyn Jayne
Movement: She is running out of space but still manages to move a lot
Sleep: getting up more to go to the bathroom and just can't stay asleep lately
Symptoms: back pain still, a lot more contractions lately
What I miss: being comfortable and not having a running nose all the time
Cravings: chocolate chip cookies
What I miss: being comfortable and not having a running nose all the time
Cravings: chocolate chip cookies
Best Moment this week: got Amelia's bedding fitted today and should be done by Thursday!!! And spending time with Deric's parents
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Amelia's finished bedding and going to the doctors Thursday! Hopefully we will know if I have to have a c-section then
Once Amelia's bedding and I get her art work I will post a tour of her nursery. Once her room is done I will be completely ready for her to come. I think her room not being finished with it is keeping me from being DONE. I was really planning on her room being finished about 3 weeks ago. I wanted it finished a good month before she came but I guess this is why I am thankful I didn't go into labor early! Here is a sneak peek of what the bedding will look like...
p.s. I still can't believe I haven't posted about my AR shower. I just got the pictures the other day. Most of have seen them on FB but I will post about it soon.

you are looking great amanda! hang in there and rest all you can! little amelia will be here soon! :)
ReplyDeleteThis blog is all about the Happy New Year and 37 weeks pregnant. This was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I hated having to go though it and tell our families what had happened.